10 Most Inappropriate Wolverine Storylines Ever

6. The Sheer Brutal Violence - Aim Low

Wolverine The Punisher Aim Low
Marvel Comics

In terms of his attitude, Wolverine is one of the most aggressive, intense, determined characters in the realm of comic books, period. We've seen Logan involved in some extremely violent acts, with plenty of other such acts implied or done off-panel, yet few Marvel comics have ever outright shown as much brutality as The Punisher Vol. 6 #17.

Of course, Frank Castle is no stranger to relentless violence, and thus when you throw Castle and Wolverine together, there's a fair chance of fireworks. That was exactly the case with the Aim Low issue of December 2002.

Here, after initially working together, Punisher and Wolverine end up fighting each other. Well, it's not so much a fight, per se, as Frank turns on Logan, literally shoots his balls off(!), then leaves Weapon X to have his legs chopped off by some bad guys. If that wasn't enough, Punisher later returns to the scene and runs his rival over with a steamroller - all after Wolverine has had his face ripped off.

In addition to this, Castle also slaughters a whole bunch of villains in all kinds of clinical ways, including a few decapitations.

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Senior Writer

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