10 Most Inappropriate Wolverine Storylines Ever

5. Incestuous Hulks - Old Man Logan

Wolverine The Punisher Aim Low
Marvel Comics

Wolverine: Old Man Logan is viewed by many as being one of the greatest Wolverine stories of all time. While this is indeed true, one element of this 2008 Mark Miller and Steve McNiven eight-part miniseries that's particularly inappropriate, is the presence of the Hulk and his ancestors.

In this skewed future of Earth-807128, the United States is a wasteland that's dominated by four villainous kingpins - Abomination, Magneto, Doctor Doom, and Red Skull - and finds superheroes at a premium. Here, the vast majority of the world's heroes are dead, with Wolverine himself having slaughtered all of his fellow X-Men after being duped by Mysterio.

Away from Logan, this arc details an incestuous group known as the Hulk Gang.

Created after Hulk and She-Hulk hooked up, this gang consists of the inbred grandchildren of cousins Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters. With the grizzled, elderly Wolvie living in an area of the US known as Hulkland, the Hulk Gang end up murdering the Canadian's wife and two children while he's away trying to make some money driving Hawkeye across the country.

This would provide the basis for Wolverine and Hulk having one last brutal battle to the death, but the whole, y'know, incest element of Old Man Logan isn't exactly pleasing for long-time fans of the Green Goliath and Shulkie.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.