10 Most Inappropriate Wolverine Storylines Ever

2. EVERYTHING About Ultimate Wolverine And Jean Grey

Wolverine The Punisher Aim Low
Marvel Comics

Sticking with Ultimate Wolverine, the whole reason for him and Spider-Man swapping bodies was due to Wolvie constantly trying to hit on the teenage Jean Grey. Looking to hit back at Logan and his creepy antics, Jean placed him into the body of Peter Parker as a form of punishment.

When it comes to creepy antics, though, this version of Wolverine was constantly an utter scumbag when it comes to everything involving Jean Grey.

Upon first meeting, Jean and Logan actually did have a brief relationship. Of course, this occurred at a time when Wolverine had infiltrated the X-Men by pretending to be a hero, whilst in reality he was working for Magneto in a plot to assassinate Professor X. Once Grey learned of this scheme, she obviously dumped Weapon X.

Jealous when Jean starts dating Cyclops, Wolverine does the sensible, logical, calm thing of accompanying Cyke on a mission to the Savage Land... only to let Scott fall to his 'death' from a cliff, even though Wolvie could've easily saved the leader of the X-Men.

Cyclops would survive this fall, but the X-Men and readers wouldn't know this for a little while, with Wolverine gleefully informing Xavier's team of Summers' demise - which eliminated Wolverine's rival for Jean's affections.

Ultimate Wolverine, period, was a total d**khead, and the events listed here are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his unhealthy obsession with Jean Grey.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

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