10 Most Inappropriate X-Men Storylines

7. The Metal World-Ending Villain That Was In Love With Jean Grey - X-Men #53

Emma Frost Love Triangle
Marvel Comics

Many people who have read the first few existing issues of the X-Men will have reacted with profound confusion at Professor X initially being in love with Jean Grey - who he had both trained from childhood, and become a surrogate father figure to.

Naturally, it was presumed that this had ceased to be part of the X-Men canon, as years passed without the plot point ever being raised again, and we all forgot about its general weirdness.

Until thirty years later, when - in the event that saw Magneto and Xavier fuse together into the villain known as Onslaught - we saw the cringe-inducing moment raise its head once more.

Quite literally, in fact, as when Jean goes to confront Onslaught, he shows her the exact panels we winced at from years prior, much to her total horror.

With it being safely forgotten and assumed no longer relevant, it's profoundly unclear why it was decided to bring back Xavier's secret longings, aside from to force drama between Jean and her beloved mentor.


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