10 Most Messed Up Batman Moments

5. All Star Batman And Robin - The Boy Wonder

zombie Batman
DC Comics/Jim Lee

From the man who brought true cool and just the right about of edginess to the character in the 80’s, Frank Miller seems to have forgotten everything he understood about the masked vigilante when writing All-Star Batman & Robin, a retelling of Dick Grayson’s origin story.

Throughout a series plagued by missed deadlines, Miller turns Bruce Wayne into an egotistical, insensitive bully. In one notable scene in issue #2, the caped crusader verbally abuses his teenage side-kick, before declaring ‘I’m the goddamn Batman’. The goddamn Batman later has sex with Black Canary next to the burning bodies of a host of criminals. Yes, you read that correctly.

Another messed-up highlight includes Batman locking the young Grayson in the Batcave alone, informing him that if he is hungry he should eat the rats and bats that call the cave home. The writing makes the series irredeemable, though it must be said that superstar artist Jim Lee, who had already drawn an artistic masterpiece on Jeff Loeb’s Hush, is at the height of his powers here. Still, Miller produced a genuinely detestable Batman that seemed dead set on traumatizing the Boy Wonder.

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Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.