10 Most Messed Up Junji Ito Moments

5. Down The Drain - The Groaning Drain

Junji Ito Snail Girl
Asahi Sonorama

Found within the same volume as Slug Girl, The Groaning Drain is a twisted moral lesson that centres around two sisters and their hygiene-obsessed mother, whose obsession is so severe she divorced her husband for being too unhygienic.

After accidentally killing her ex-husband one night when he sneaks in to see his daughters, the house's pipes begin to emit strange sounds and a terrible stench that the sisters believe smells like an unhygienic admirer of theirs who their mother recently berated.

This causes one of the sisters to believe that said boy has somehow managed to hide himself in their pipes to spy on them, a thought that's immediately dismissed by her sister. And when she believes to have seen the boy looking at her from the shower drain, her sister, still refusing to believe her, forces her arm down the drain to prove to her there's nothing there.

Still dismissing her sister's pleas for help that something's pulling her in, she leaves only to return just in time to watch her sister's legs be swallowed by the drain, never to be seen again.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.