10 Most Messed Up Moments In DC Comics

7. Green Lantern's Fridged Girlfriend

green lantern fridge
DC Comics

Given the Green Lantern comics are generally not renowned for being hardcore, having him discover the dead body of his girlfriend stuffed into a fridge is some seriously dark stuff.

Not only that, but the entirety of the murder is shown, bit by bit. It’s interspersed with the hero heading back home, which is a genius move, as you spend half the comic expecting him to save his love interest – and then you spend the other half in quiet, surprised horror.

Killing off a superhero's significant other is something of a cliché now – but the death of Alexandra DeWitt was at the time ground-breaking, which is what makes it so messed up - especially with the gruesome little fridge-based twist it provides.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.