10 Most Messed Up Moments In DC Comics

6. Cyborg's Body Problems

green lantern fridge
DC Comics

Having a half-cyborg body sounds, for the most part, pretty sweet – after all, who doesn't want to be the Terminator just a little?

The one downside, however, is that there's a small chance the cyborg parts may decide to pull a surprise split from the rest of your body. While this is admittedly unlikely, it is the (gross) case for Cyborg, when his robot parts become possessed and rip off of him, in one of the most viscerally uncomfortable comic pages DC has put out to date.

That said, it also does a very good job at making the whole situation suddenly feel genuinely dangerous. Having Cyborg be brutally injured on page makes it feel as though the heroes are actually in danger, meaning that his Robocop-gone-wrong moment is at least justified.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.