10 Most Powerful Asgardian Weapons In Marvel History

3. Tarene’s Hammer

Heimdall Bifrost
Marvel Comics

Thor isn’t the only superhero to utilise a hammer. The mystical Tarene, AKA Thor Girl, is in possession of a golden hammer that shares similarities with Mjolnir. Tarene’s connection to Asgard is interesting because she wasn’t born there. Instead, she came from a planet that was destroyed by Thanos. With the Thunder God’s help, Tarene defeated the Mad Titan.

Feeling a connection to Asgard, Tarene transformed herself into an Asgardian goddess and sought to emulate Thor’s teachings. Her hammer has various abilities, which range from weather control to energy manipulation. She’s also displayed the ability to break through dimensional barriers, as shown from when she travelled from Earth to Asgard in a matter of seconds.

In the past, Tarene has demonstrated enough proficiency with her hammer to knock Thor off his feet and shatter buildings with a single strike. During the recent Fear Itself storyline, Tarene held her own against the magically enhanced Juggernaut, further highlighting her fighting prowess.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.