10 Most Powerful Asgardian Weapons In Marvel History

2. Eir-Gram

Heimdall Bifrost
Marvel Comics

Created by Loki, Eir-Gram is a sword that can channel the spirit of its wielder into the edge. The god of mischief forged his weapon in Mephisto’s realm because he needed the hellfire to forge a weapon that wasn’t wholly connected to Asgard. He crafted Eir-Gram from the soul of an Asgardian woman called Kelda to stop the malevolent Disir.

A group of Valkyries who rebelled against Odin’s father, Bor, the Disir were cast out from Asgard and forced to survive by eating Asgardian souls. The Disir are trapped between life and death, making them hard to kill. In addition, they have demonstrated a high level of resistance against Asgardian weapons, which is why Loki needed to make a deal with Mephisto to create an object that could harm them.

Therefore, Eir-Gram is one of the few weapons that can permanently hurt the Disir. The blade can slice through the magical essence of the former Valkyries, causing intense pain.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.