10 Most Powerful Beings Batman Has Defeated
8. Owlman - Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths

Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths is exactly what the title claims - it's the tried and true story of different universe version's of the Justice League, called the Crime Syndicate, coming to Earth to try and take it over for themselves. Except in a stunning twist, the true villain of the piece isn't the thuggish Ultraman or the barbaric Power Woman, but Owlman, the sadistic mad scientist of the team. And maybe it's not all that surprising that one of Batman's biggest threats is, in fact, another different version of Batman.
See, discovering other universe's causes the poor crook to have something of a breakdown, realising that every decision he has ever made was not truly his to make, but rather the result of being a mirror to Batman, he makes every choice that Bruce doesn't. So what even IS choice, then?
Owlman decides to make the only choice that no other version of him would ever make: go back to Earth Prime, and wipe out everything that has ever or would ever exist.
Batman manages to chase after him, and uses the dimensional portal to send Owlman and his world ending bomb to a version of Earth that fell out of orbit with the sun, and thus never developed life. Owlman goes to stop the bomb, but instead shrugs and lets it happen.
After all, it doesn't matter.