10 Most Powerful Beings Batman Has Defeated

7. The Hulk - Batman Vs The Incredible Hulk

Superman Batman
Marvel Comics

One of the biggest landmarks in the history of comic book crossovers was Superman Vs The Amazing Spider-Man, so it stands to reason that they would not only give that book a sequel but also a spin off with their other most popular characters, The Hulk and Batman. Considering that these are the only two characters of their respective companies to have acclaimed TV shows out at the time, it's a wonder they didn't do this one first.

While the Superman and Spider-Man crossover had to contrive a reason for the two heroes to have one of the all time classic hero vs hero fights, as well as contrive a way for Spider-Man to - you know - stand a bloody chance, with The Hulk, it was as simple as just putting Batman in his immediate path and letting nature take its course.

Batman, knowing that a straight fight with The Hulk is notoriously unwise, decides to use a blend of chemicals to instead render him unconscious. However, The Hulk countered with simply holding his breath and waiting it out. So Batman punched him to MAKE him inhale.

Moral of the story, kids: tactics are fun, but sometimes you just need to punch a big green man in the ribs. The more you know.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?