10 Most Powerful Beings Batman Has Defeated

6. The Hyperclan - JLA: New World Order

Superman Batman
DC Comics

Grant Morrison's run on JLA almost made the endurance run of the 1990's era of comics completely worth it due to how utterly bonkers and AWESOME it was.

One of the most stand out stories in this run was New World Order, where a new superhero team named the Hyperclan comes to Earth. In reality, however, the Hyperclan are a team of White Martians planning to conquer the Earth. And they would've gotten away with it too...had they not gone up against Batman.

Mind you, one White Martian - hell, one MARTIAN in general - has about the same power set as Superman - so three of them you would think would be something of a challenge for the Dark Knight. However, this is still Batman, who knows exactly how to fight a Martian. So he surrounds them all and himself in a ring of fire, which negates their powers and weakens their constitution, and proceeds to give three of the Hyperclan's heaviest hitters one of the most humiliating beat downs in comic book history.


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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?