10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By The Hulk

5. Silver Surfer - Marvel Zombies

Hulk Iron Man Marvel Civil War II
Marvel Comics

One of two kills on this list that saw Hulk murder the powerhouse alongside other heroes, the Silver Surfer's death was one of many signs that all hope was lost in the retroactively titled universe of Earth-2149. If the Silver Surfer, being one of the most powerful cosmic beings in Marvel, can be so quickly and brutally wiped out, then what chance does the universe stand against these superpowered zombies?

The Sentinel of the Spaceways traveled to Earth to warn the heroes about Galactus' impending arrival (more on him later) and the reception that he got was nowhere near what he got. The zombified heroes attack the Surfer and he easily fights them off, but he makes the mistake of underestimating their destructive capacity.

An angered Hulk charges at the Surfer and the latter retaliates with his Power Cosmic beams. This effort does not phase Banner and he proceeds to bite off Surfer's head, killing him instantly. This feat was extremely impressive due to the Surfer being one of the most powerful beings (cosmic or otherwise) in Marvel, capable of routinely best various heroes and surviving world-ending phenomena.


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