10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By The Hulk

4. Thanos - Marvel Zombies 2

Hulk Iron Man Marvel Civil War II
Marvel Comics

Although the MCU's version of Thanos is a formidable opponent, his comics version is on another tier altogether. In addition to his near-unparalleled physical attributes, comics Thanos is capable of manipulating various cosmic energies, telepathy and telekinesis. He is capable of going toe-to-toe with the likes of Odin and even stagger Galactus himself with a powerful energy blast.

So seeing him be effortlessly killed off by a zombified Hulk in the second Marvel Zombies installment is both shocking and impressive. After having killed Galactus and consumed his power alongside Spider-Man, Luke Cage and Iron Man, Hulk and the latter heroes go off into the stars in search of more food. During this time they turn characters such as Thanos, Firelord and Gladiator into zombies and create a reign of cosmic zombie terror.

The now-undead Thanos takes issue with Hulk's gluttonous behaviour and calls him out for it. Naturally, Hulk is not pleased with this accusation and despite Iron Man's best efforts to calm the behemoths down, the Jade Giant kills the Mad Titan by clapping his hands around the latter's head.

The action is both unexpected and stomach-churning, but it captures the story's overall random approach to violence.


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