10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By The Hulk

2. Galactus - Marvel Zombies Dead Days

Hulk Iron Man Marvel Civil War II
Marvel Comics

As mentioned before, consuming the Silver Surfer's body gave the Hulk and his zombified cohorts incredible cosmic power that fueled their hunger pang-driven quest. That said, they were about to receive another incredible boost in power in the form of the World Devourer himself, Galactus.

True to the Silver Surfer's warning, the god-like entity showed up to the planet with every intention of consuming it. However, just like his Herald, Galactus did not encounter the same kind of opposition from Earth's mightiest that he may have expected.

Initially, the zombified heroes did not fare as well against the cosmic entity due to his superior power but they quickly regrouped and developed a weapon capable of weakening the latter's defenses. Now weakened, Galactus became an all-you-can-eat buffet for the heroes and they proceeded to consume him and in turn gain even more cosmic power.

This instance is a great showcase for the zombie's relentlessness as well as their intelligence despite their condition. Also, seeing the likes of Hulk chomp down on a dying Galactus is not something you see everyday in mainline Marvel so there is that as well.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.