10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By The Hulk

3. Onslaught - Onslaught: Marvel Universe

Hulk Iron Man Marvel Civil War II
Marvel Comics

One of the more obscure characters on this list, Onslaught's relative lack of notoriety is not an indication of his staggering power levels. If anything, the world-threatening psychic love child of Professor X and Magneto has demonstrated enough power to threaten and overpower the Avengers and X-Men simultaneously.

After taking shape following a particularly brutal psychic attack from Xavier on Magneto, Onslaught took on the worst mental aspects of each mutant and became a psionic entity in its own right. It took over Xavier's body and began causing chaos in the mutant community, attacking the likes of Juggernaut and Nate Grey before commanding an army of Sentinels to wipe out humanity.

This forced the X-Men to team up with the Avengers and Fantastic Four to stop the entity and rescue Xavier in the process. Their efforts to rescue the telepath separated Onslaught from him, and his new form proved to be even harder to stop now that Xavier could not influence him.

Having received a boost from Jean Grey, the Hulk put in his best effort to stop the entity and was able to crack his armor, before Thor and a few other heroes dissipated his psionic form.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.