10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By The Punisher
1. All The Mutants
In Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, Frank Castle managed to do what no other character in the Marvel Universe seemed to be able to do: he killed the most powerful mutants on the planet. He didn't do it in an honorable way, but that may have been the key to finally killing everyone.
In the story, the X-Men were summoned, along with several other powerful heroes, to face off against Magneto, Apocalypse, and many more villains from Marvel's impressive stock of mutants. Once everyone arrived on the Moon, they didn't fight, and instead stood about confused, wondering why they were summoned, and by whom.
Magneto asked why he was there, and what everyone else was doing there. It was the old sitcom routine of setting up a date between two people who don't know they're going to meet the other, and like a sitcom, it ended with a degree of failure, and a modicum of success!
While the group was going over what brought them to the Moon, a nifty nuclear bomb the Punisher took from Dr. Doom's lair (after he killed him) appears, and before anyone can react, it detonates, killing everyone in an instant.