10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Wonder Woman

7. Triton - God Complex

Wonder Woman beheads Medusa
DC Comics

As we will see throughout this list, the Greek pantheon in the DC universe is just as dysfunctional as its real-life mythological counterpart and Diana’s ties to it means that she has had her fair share of complicated tangles with these godly beings. One such encounter was with Triton, the son of the god of the seas, Poseidon.

Usually an Aquaman villain, the deity shared his father’s incredible abilities but lacked his mercy and was far crueler as a result. This proved to be his undoing after he orchestrated (along with Black Manta’s help) the kidnapping and killing of the Wonder Scouts, children who sought refuge on Themyscira.

Arthur was able to stop Diana from killing Manta but could not restrain the enraged heroine from snapping Triton’s neck once his role in the heinous act was revealed. After the oceanic deity was murdered, his father chastised the Amazon for her decision but forgave her due to the descipable nature of Triton’s actions.


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