10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Wonder Woman

5. Deimos - The Ares Assault

Wonder Woman beheads Medusa
Warner Bros.

Following the continuity-altering Crisis on Infinite Earths, Wonder Woman’s story was revamped in order to tie her closer to her Pantheon roots. This was seen in one of her earliest conflicts with Ares in a Len Wein/George Perez-penned storyline that saw the God of War taking over Washington with the intent of causing a nuclear holocaust.

Diana and her allies confront Deimos and Phobos in the American capital and are immediately overwhelmed by their fear (and hair?) based abilities. Deimos employed his tendril-based beard to ensnare the heroine and prevent her from confronting his father. This worked for a moment before Wonder Woman finished him off with a precise toss of her tiara.

This act played a key role in saving the world from annihilation but also took a lot out of Diana as Amazons in this era of DC lore were not predisposed to committing senseless violence. This is what separated this comic run from the animated movie (pictured above) it inspired two decades later, where the Amazon was more inclined to employing lethal force where needed.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.