10 Most Powerful Humans In DC Comics

5. New Super-Man

Professor Zoom Zolomon
DC Comics

As the name implies Kenan possess the same powers as Superman, except his work in a unique way and he has a few extra powers Clark doesn't have. He received his powers from an experiment that transferred the deceased New 52 Superman's life force or Qi.

Because of this experiment, Kenan's powers don't function the same way's as Clark's, he doesn't get a boost from being blasted with solar energy and kryptonite can kill him since he's human.

On top of this, at first Kenan had to focus his Qi into different parts of his body to use his powers, in his fists for strength, his ears for super-hearing and so forth. Now that's matured more, Kenan can utilise his full Kryptonian power set and then some.

Having both the embodiments of the principles of Yin and Yang inside of him, Kenan can tap into each aspect for different powers.

By focusing entirely on the Yang aspect, Kenan's Kryptonian powers are boosted to unknown levels. By focusing on the Yin aspect, Kenan becomes a ghost like being, capable of escaping a pseudo Green Lantern construct that mimicked the qualities of kryptonite.

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Reader and collector of Comics. Watcher of NJPW and NXT. And the guy that knows Green Lantern will be bigger than Star Wars, Fight Me.