10 Most Powerful Supervillains You’ve Never Heard Of

7. Cyttorak

Mikaboshi Marvel
Marvel Comics

While the Juggernaut is an incredibly famous villain in the Marvel universe, the source of his powers - a cosmic being named Cyttorak, thought to be both a god and a demon - is substantially less well known.

And this is a dying shame, as not only is Cyttorak an interesting character, but his existence also adds extra dimension to the Juggernaut himself, as he's infinitely more engrossing when you know he's being helped out by some mysterious Elder God-like figure.

Despite this, Cyttorak has appeared slightly over twenty times in the comics, which is just enough that when you see him you're left with the vague impression that you have seen the character before, but that you just can't place where. Like an old school friend, or perhaps a distant relative - only, instead of any of that, he's ten-foot-tall and capable of destroying your soul.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.