10 Most Questionable Comics Kickstarters

10. Tezuka's World Release (Goal: $380,000/Pledged: $26,971)

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/digitalmanga/tezukas-world-release-publishing-osamu-tezuka-mang?ref=nav_search Digital Manga, unlike Archie, has a bit more of a history with successful Kickstarters, so they had to know they were rolling some pretty big dice trying to kickstart 31 Osamu Tezuka translations at once. Tezuka's reputation in manga cannot be overstated, but his work can, apparently, be overpriced. Digital Manga regrouped and repackaged its ambitions in a set of smaller-scale Kickstarters, three so far, all successful. Note that this is not the only time a Tezuka translation led to disappointment. The translation project for The Crater has a long story, but C. Spike Trotman sums it up rather neatly. https://twitter.com/iron_spike/status/525427060572180480

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.