10 Most Quintessential 'Superman Moments' In Comic Book History

7. €œDon€™t Call Me Chief!€ €” Superman: Birthright #6

Okay, so this is technically a Lois Lane moment instead of a Superman moment, but to ignore it would be wrong. In issue 6 of Mark Waid and Leinil Yu€™s Superman: Birthright, we see Lois sitting in her editor€™s office, casually rattling off dozens of critiques about the next week€™s paper. Perry White is struggling to keep his cool, scribbling out a hilarious little T-chart on a notepad, trying to decide whether to €œKeep Her?€ or to €œFIRE.€ The list goes as follows: €œ1. Best Writer / No Boundaries€ €œ2. Good Interviews / Despite Inability to Listen€ €œ3. 3 Pulitzer Nominations / 17 Lawsuits €œ4. Won€™t Take €˜No€™ For An Answer / Won€™t Take €˜No€™ For An Answer€ €œ5. No Good Place to Hide Her Body€ The scene reaches its crescendo when Jimmy Olsen pokes his ginger head into the room, calling for the Chief €” resulting in Perry exploding at him with his signature line, €œDon€™t call me Chief!€ This single moment characterizes Superman's entire supporting cast: Lois Lane is a ballsy perfectionist; Perry White has volcanic anger issues; Jimmy Olsen is the Daily Planet's very own Charlie Brown. It's a small scene, and a bit of a hidden gem in the grander tapestry of Birthright's story, but it is perfectly formed.
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Spencer is a Film Studies major at the Rhode Island College in Providence. He is a professional video editor, hopeful screenwriter, aspiring director, and prays that his ambitions aren't just starry-eyed daydreams. Follow him on twitter @NotSpencerSerra