10 Most Ridiculous Supervillain Plots In Comics History

7. Jonathan Kent Helps Superboy Catch A Villain, By Being A Villain

It's almost unfair to make fun of Silver Age comics for featuring ridiculous plots. It would be like getting angry at the clouds for foisting rain upon an unwitting populace, or chastising a cat for hunting mice. It's just in their nature. That said, the events of Superboy #84 are up there with the most ridiculous, and include a truly idiotic supervillain plot. Actually, they include two. The second story in the issue, €œThe Rainbow Raider!€, sees gangster Vic Munster enlisting the help of the eponymous new villain to defeat the young Clark Kent. Which the Rainbow Raider does, his flashing colourful helmet brainwashing Superboy into doing their evil bidding. Munster made a mistake teaming up with a bad guy he'd never seen before, however, since the Rainbow Raider is revealed to be Jonathan Kent, who disguised himself as a bad guy so Superboy could get close to Munster and defeat him. Actually, that's an idiotic scheme on the part of both Munster and the Kents. What a stupid story.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/