10 Most Ridiculous Things Batman Has Survived

6. Buried Alive

Batman Odyssey
DC Comics

Batman has been buried alive a surprising number of times for someone who isn’t now dead. Not that being buried alive even once isn’t a surprising number of times to be buried alive, but I digress. In the pages of World’s Finest Comics #269, the Caped Crusader finds himself trapped in this (presumably) deadly predicament by an unlikely source: Ed Wiley. Who, you ask? Exactly.

In his only appearance to this day, a seemingly random man named Ed Wiley was able to capture, unmask and bury alive the Dark Knight himself. The issue is built around Superman, Gordon and Robin all trying to find Bats, as Wiley reveals what he has done before detonating his TNT-strapped suicide vest.

Ultimately, upon arrival at his intended resting place, Batman’s allies discover that he has already escaped (despite also being inside a strait-jacket within the coffin) before Bruce explains how exactly he did so. Classic Batman.

It is unclear what the actual purpose of this issue was - given that Wiley died never to be resurrected - other than to display, in case anyone had forgotten, that Bruce Wayne is very, very good at everything. In fact, the Gotham blue-blood’s powers of escape kind of make Mister Miracle somewhat redundant, it would seem.

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Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.