10 Most Ridiculous Ways Superheroes Have Come Back From The Dead

3. Aunt May Was Replaced By An Actress

Red Hood
Marvel Comics

Speaking of needlessly elaborate plots, let's look at how Aunt May came back to life.

The fact that May Parker came back to life is not surprising. What is surprising is that a woman who was older than time and couldn't stand up to a strong breeze lasted all the way until the 90's.

That being said, her death scene was one of the most poignant in comics. May told Peter that Ben would be proud of him before passing away in her sleep. It was a perfect end for the character and so of course Marvel had to ruin it.

A few years later, the Green Goblin gave Spider-Man a message that "May" was alive. Thinking that he meant his stillborn daughter, Peter rushed to save her... only to find Aunt May alive and well instead.

It was revealed that May's death had been part of the Goblin's obscenely convoluted plan. He had hired an actress and, over the course of months, altered her to look, sound and act exactly like May Parker. Then she died, which was also part of the plan maybe? The whole thing wasn't so much stretching disbelief as it was kicking disbelief in the knackers and running away laughing.

And what was the point of Green Goblin's plan? Pretty much just to mess with Spider-Man for the hell of it.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.