10 Most Stupidly-Overpowered Superheroes In Comics History

7. Superman

Captain Atom
DC Comics

Superman being overpowered is the single most obvious statement about the DC universe - on par with groundbreaking news such as 'Flash is fast'. It says a lot that Superman has been actively depowered over time, and yet still somehow manages to stay safely at the absolute top of the list of overpowered superheroes.

But he's also a pretty good look into the fact that overpowered superheroes can still be engaging. Superman's ridiculous amount of powers is one of his biggest struggles, as his concerns about whether his humanity is impacted by his incredible abilities becomes one of the most engaging aspects of the character himself.

As, in seeing even a God amongst men has strife, we can then empathise with Superman, as we can see that, despite his sweet eye laser beams and superstrength, he still has internal struggles and fear and guilt like the rest of us - which serves to make the overpowered Man of Steel one of the most human comic characters to date.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.