10 Most Stupidly-Overpowered Superheroes In Comics History

6. Franklin Richards

Captain Atom
Marvel Comics

Having the most powerful mutant in the current Marvel universe coincidentally also be a little boy with no idea what his powers are or just how to use them is quite possibly one of the smartest moves made involving the Fantastic Four in history.

While to this day we still don't a hundred percent know the entire scope of Franklin's powers, we know that the youngest Richards' child has incredible powers in two spheres - that of psychic powers, and reality-bending.

He's capable of pretty much changing the known world to his will - to the extent that, as a child, Franklin once accidentally created a pocket dimension that was a perfect replica of his own world, which is both kind of cool and also completely terrifying when you think of the catastrophic potential of a child having so much power.

It's also been pretty strongly implied that Franklin is immortal, which is sure to eventually prove a fun surprise when the hero family find out for themselves.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.