10 Most Stupidly-Overpowered Superheroes In Comics History

5. The Hulk

Captain Atom
Marvel Comics

The Hulk tends to be the standard by which we can judge if another hero is strong. While he is not undefeated - as practically every member of the Avengers has beat him at some point in history - it's considered an unusual moment that highlights the absolute peak of that character's abilities.

As such, it's fair the say that the Hulk is more powerful, as his threat level in these comics is often equatable to many celestial beings. It has been explicitly mentioned that the Hulk is the physically strongest character in the Marvel universe, which makes his insane durability and superhuman speed almost unfair to add on the side.

Crucially, as a result of the Gamma radiation that created the Hulk, the Hulk's body also appears to be resistant to the ravages of time, as series like The Immortal Hulk have shown that the jolly green giant could exist to the end of the known universe were he to not be killed some other way - which, given his day job, does seem admittedly likely.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.