10 Most Twisted Comic Book Heroes

4. Raphael

Midnighter Bloody
IDW Entertainment

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wasn't always the quippy, kid-friendly franchise we know today.

The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were dark, violent and seriously messed up to the point of ridiculous. The turtles weren't the one-liner spewing heroes in the half shell we grew up watching. They were brutal, violent and merciless. However, the most cantankerous of them all was the "cool but rude" one himself, Raphael.

While we know Raphael to be the more brutish of the four, he was a downright sociopath in the comics. He absolutely loved the thrill of a deathmatch fight, eagerly waiting to spill some blood. He would frequently go into berserk mode, laying waste to any foot soldiers that got in his way.

He was so violent and unhinged that he even brought this type of attitude when sparring with his brothers. After a match with Michelangelo goes wrong in a comic one-shot, Raphael attempts to bash his skull in with a large wrench. There's a reason that he was the only character to keep the red color going into later reincarnations of the franchise. He's the only one who still closely resembles what the four turtles use to be.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.