10 Most Twisted Comic Book Heroes

2. The Comedian

Midnighter Bloody
DC Comics

For such a lighthearted nickname, he's not really that funny.

The Comedian, while considered a "hero" in the Watchmen universe, was always considered a villain to most of the team. He's a sadistic, immoral pig who always puts his own needs in front of everyone else. Some of his past crimes include the "attempted" rape of Sally Jupiter, kills his lover while holding their love child and he may have even assassinated JFK.

However, his most heinous crimes come out of the Vietnam War. He would brutally murder his enemies and innocent people alike, slicing them with his knife or burning them alive. And that was all under the supervision of president Richard Nixon.

And that's only the stuff we know about. It's unknown what the extent of his crimes branch out to during his time with the Minutemen and Crimebusters. Even in death, his influence continues to haunt the team, with Silk Spectre hating him but also having to appreciate him for her existence.

He alludes that his stints of rage and immoral action result from a traumatic childhood but does that really excuse everything he's done?


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.