10 Most Underrated Flash Villains

7. Abra Kadabra

Trickster Flash
DC Comics

One of two futuristic villains on this list, Abra Kadabra hails from the 64th century, a time when advances in science are so great that stage magic has become quaint by comparison. Naturally, a stage magician is a career most people would avoid, but Citizen Abra does not ascribe to this school of thought.

After learning of a means to travel back in time, Abra stole future tech and traveled back to the past (the then current DC continuity) to become a superpowered thief.

His origins are later revised in the DC Rebirth series, where he is reimagined as being trapped within a mild-mannered magician called Mister Hocus Pocus.

Despite coming across as a more fun-natured villain, Abra has committed his fair share of despicable acts. He has given up the souls of his fellow Rogues to the demon Neron to gain vast magical powers, killed Bart Allen alongside other villains, and erased Linda Park (Wally West's wife) from history.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.