10 Most Underrated Superman Villains

2. Parasite

Superman Unchained Silver Banshee
DC Comics

Before turning to supervillainy, Rudy Jones was a janitor at STAR Labs. While moving a radioactive container, Jones was convinced something valuable lay inside and opened it. After being exposed to the radiation within, Jones' body began withering away, forcing him to absorb the life energy of anyone in his proximity to stay alive.

Because of the nature of Parasite's abilities, Superman is literally the worst person to fight him. Not only will Supes be powerless the instant he gets near him, Jones will become virtually unstoppable seconds after being in the Kryptonian's proximity. As a result, Superman has only been able to defeat Parasite by relying on strategy and tactics rather than wailing on him or smashing him through the city.

Even though his powers allow him to bash his enemies senseless, Parasite has used his abilities more strategically. In Superman #157, he absorbed the likeness and personality of Lois Lane to get close to her husband, Superman. Once Supes realised it wasn't Lois, he was too weak to fight back, allowing Parasite to pummel the Man of Steel.

Make no mistake, Parasite is one supervillain you don't want to mess with.


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