10 Most Unexpectedly Powerful Marvel Villains

8. Stilt Man

Stilt-Man Punisher
Marvel Comics

Although casual fans may have never even heard of him, the sinister Stilt Man is surprisingly one of Daredevil's most enduring arch-enemies.

At first it's hard to understand why. After all, Daredevil is historically one of the coolest heroes in all of comic books, and Stilt Man is anything but cool. Unless you think the gimmick of having really, really, really long legs is cool. To most readers, this guy is the equivalent of a mildly impressive circus act.

However, when you begin to look at Wilbur "Stilt Man" Day's track record, you'll notice that he is actually hugely successful at what he does, and can be deadly dangerous to anyone facing him.

It may look ridiculous, but Stilt Man's hydraulic armour is shockingly powerful. Not only is it entirely bulletproof, but one kick from those long legs is enough to incapacitate even the Man Without Fear himself.

He has also spent a lot of time trapped in sub-atomic space. As a result he knows the secrets of the molecular condenser, a ray gun that can shrink objects into nothingness.

Aside from his many gadgets, Wilbur Day is also a master manipulator, and once came incredibly close to successfully framing an entirely different man for all of Stilt Man's crimes.

It took some serious firepower from the Punisher to finally put an end to the evil reign of Stilt Man, but thanks to some Clone Conspiracy shenanigans, he may be back on the scene once again...


Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.