10 Most Violent Comic Book Heroes Ever

2. Punisher - Marvel

Midnighter DC
Marvel Comics

Ever since his debut against Spider-Man in the legendary 1974 #129 issue, Punisher has established himself as one of Marvel's most successful anti-heroes.

Frank Castle's backstory is one dominated by tragedy, losing his family after being caught in the middle of a gang war. This very event is what spawns Punisher's name and black and white outlook on life, as well as his recognisable suit. A true chaotic good, Punisher lives his superhero life with the belief that any villain he lets limp away is a villain who could go on to do the same thing he had to watch happen to his family.

Everything from torture, kidnapping, extortion and murder is on the cards for Punisher, giving readers some of the most brutal moments in panel history. Perhaps the biggest standout of these is when Punisher takes the time to pick up a low-standing mob lackey, carry the two of them to the top of the Empire State Building before throwing him to his death.

Without a doubt, this is the perfect summary of a hero who isn't afraid to rip out guts or shoot someone right in the face, but at his core is simply driven by a need to dispense justice wherever he finds it.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.