10 Most Violent Comic Book Heroes Ever

3. Midnighter - DC Comics

Midnighter DC

The good news about Midnighter is that there's no doubting his commitment to justice and integrity. The not so good news about this particular superhero is that he absolutely revels in the violence and bloodshed that emerges from a life of fighting crime.

Fast, strong and built with a computer in his brain that helps him analyse opponents' strengths and weaknesses, Midnighter can often be found diving head first into a criminal situation and making the most of his regenerative abilities once the action dies down.

His partner, Apollo, helps him out on most of his quests and the pair share a close and fairly aligned sense of perspective.

Despite actually being one of DC's more caring and empathetic characters off the battleground, Midnighter has demonstrated on more than occasion just how far his lust for violence can take him. From smashing a soldier's head clean off with a stick, to whatever unsettling action he wants to take with his jackhammer, there's something so unnerving about the way Midnighter acts that even the most experienced comic book readers can be left feeling a little disturbed about this superhero.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.