10 Outdated Superhero Costumes In Desperate Need Of A Redesign

8. Black Cat

Black Cat Evil That Men Do
Marvel Comics

Like Power Girl, Black Cat is in more need of minor tweaks than massive overall changes to her core design. In reality, just giving her an extra button would be a huge change.

Why she wears a top that’s not only so low cut but also clearly a push up is unclear, especially when her PS4 version showed she could still have her usual sultry suaveness without the assets on display. The white hair and spiked mask remain to keep her connected to her original design, with the white fur trim replaced with white panelling.

Spider-Man PS4 Black Cat

Even away from the needless oversexualisation though, Black Cat feels like she needs an update to avoid getting lost in the crowd. Black Canary, Black Widow and DC’s more popular flirtatious feline antihero Catwoman all don black catsuits when they’re out stopping or committing crimes. Personal preference comes into play, but she’s arguably the least popular or culturally relevant hero from that bunch.

With that in mind, maybe it’s not just a case of wearing a higher neckline. Perhaps in order to stand out, Black Cat needs some reinvention. Building her image around her hugely recognisable and currently fashionable silver hair would be a great start.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)