10 Powerful Marvel Comics Endings That Gave You Chills

8. Scarlet Witch Ruins Everything - House Of M

Secret Wars 9 Ending
Marvel Comics

Nothing is sadder than watching a hero hit rock bottom, then falling through a hole in the floor of rock bottom until they commit near-genocide.

Thus is the story of the Scarlet Witch in House of M. After Wanda is taken into care by Magneto, she alters reality so that everyone can have everything they want, creating an pro-mutant empire run by Magneto called the House of M.

Realising that their new lives are lies, the Avengers are understandably upset and go to confront Wanda, but are stopped by Magneto and Quicksilver.

When Quicksilver is killed by Magneto, Wanda decides that the best way to punish Magneto is to take away what he cares about most: Mutants. With three words, Wanda depowers 98% of all the mutants on Earth, effectively wiping out an entire population.

The eerie silence of the following panels as the new world is erased and replaced with the old, except with significantly less mutants, is haunting. An entire issue takes place after this, with the mutant populace reeling from the effects.

However, the most affecting moment occurs in the last panels, with an amnesiac Scarlet Witch going about her day, blissfully unaware of the damage she has done to millions of people.


Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.