10 Powerful Marvel Comics Endings That Gave You Chills

7. Scarlet Witch Helps To Fix Everything / Cyclops Kills Xavier - Avengers Vs. X-Men

Secret Wars 9 Ending
Marvel Comics

The best endings are bittersweet. The hero may not have got the girl, but they learnt a lesson along the way. One hero redeems themselves for decimating a population, but another murders a man he considers his father, you know, classic stories.

In Avengers vs. X-Men, Cyclops is possessed by the Phoenix force, and begins to tear the world apart in a misled crusade to make the world better for mutants. The Avengers and the X-Men, along with Charles Xavier, try to talk him down.

However, Cyclops kills Xavier in a fit of fiery rage. The image of Cyclops standing over Xavier's corpse is chilling, with Cyclops unable to blame himself and attacking the Avengers/X-Men for making him kill Xavier.

It's soon found that the only thing that can stop him is Hope Summers, the mutant messiah with power up straight from K'un-L'un and the Scarlet Witch. This assault causes the Phoenix force to leave Cyclops and enter Hope, who struggles to control it.

Instead of attacking the new Phoenix, Wanda helps her split the Phoenix into pieces, which scatter across the globe and re-power millions of mutants, undoing her actions from House of M. It's the dichotomy of Cyclops' horrible action and Wanda's redemption that really tugs at the heartstrings here.


Psychologist and writer by day. Octopus themed super villain by night.