10 Powerless Characters Who Have Defeated Superman

7. Muhammed Ali - Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali

Joker Superman
DC Comics

Somehow, Superman vs. Muhammad Ali takes a storyline where the pair are kidnapped by aliens and forced to duke it out, and then makes it into a completely heartwarming story.

While you'd think that the friendship that forms between the real-life professional boxer and the imaginary superhero would feel forced or fake, there's something about it that works incredibly well. After all, both Ali and the Man of Steel want the same things - for people to be treated right, for people to be considered equal, and for at least one incredibly cool fight a week minimum.

And they certainly got it the week of this comic, with the two squaring off in a boxing ring that was customised to remove Superman's powers. Though Clark certainly isn't a pushover, he lacks the skills of the professional heavyweight, who gives him a proper boxing seeing to, before knocking him out with one brutal right hook.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.