10 Powerless Characters Who Have Defeated Superman

8. General Sam Lane - Various

Joker Superman
DC Comics

Sam Lane has managed to defeat Superman in one profoundly unexpected way; in the age-old art of emotional sabotage.

As Lois Lane's father hates the Man of Steel - going as far as to help Luthor create Metallo in Secret Origins - but in the rebooted universe, Lois is still close to her father, even if it is begrudgingly so. As such, Supes is at a loss to take him on, as he doesn't really want to either kill his father-in-law, or have him sent to jail.

Between this and Lane's high standing due to his military background, the man has managed to get away with all sorts of plans against Superman, including sending Wraith after him, and trying to have him arrested. Although ultimately these plans never completely succeed, the Man of Steel still appears to be at a total loss in how to deal with them, meaning that - while he was alive - the former General and Senator could get away with doing whatever he wanted to the helpless metahuman.


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