10 Powers You Didn't Know Famous Comic Characters Possessed

3. Thor: The Anti-Force

Thor is, generally, a well-known character across the globe. From his origins in Norse mythology to his iconic comic book depiction and his recent movie portrayal (by Chris Hemsworth), he is basically a household name. When you think of the god in question, you think of a muscle-bound warrior who is incredibly strong and durable, who carries around his signature war-hammer and who can summon lightning for offensive purposes - all of which have been depicted, for example, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But did you know the comic book version possesses a host of other more esoteric abilities? Well, he does, and the one we're going to look at here is the enigmatic Anti-Force. As well as possessing the offensive energy attack known as the God Blast - which is far more well known - Thor can also fire the Anti-Force from his famous hammer Mjolnir. The Anti-Force is a wide-angled blast of energy which has been known to take out entire armies in a single shot, without Thor needing to use up as much of his own energy and draining himself in the same way the God Blast requires him to do.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.