10 Powers You Didn't Know Famous Comic Characters Possessed

2. Superman - Super Intelligence

Ah, Superman. The classic superhero. He can fly, he is extremely strong and durable, very quick and has X-ray vision, heat vision and freeze breath. Some of those powers are quite esoteric in themselves, but pretty much everyone knows that he possesses them. One thing that very few people associate the Man of Steel with is a genius intelligence, but he certainly has one - even if he doesn't admit it himself. The Kryptonian's brain is capable of processing information extremely efficiently and quickly and, as a result, it's kind of like a souped up computer processor and hard drive. He can recall and recite even the most complex information in a fraction of a second and, as seen in the picture above, he can remember and draw a picture of the inside of a brain to the standard of an MRI scan. Just a super-fast brick? Not even close.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.