10 Problems With Batman Nobody Wants To Admit

2. He Couldn't Keep It Up For Long

Batman All Star
DC Comics

Somebody has run the numbers €- because of course they have €“ and they simply don't add up. Batman is one of the more down to earth superheroes, relying on his wits and physical training to help him bring justice to an unjust world, and technically he could exist in real life. You'd just need somebody dedicated enough to the training, with the right resources. Even then, though, they'd only be able to operate for, like, a decade or so. Maybe twenty years at a stretch. That's the period at which he'd be at his peak physical form, which would inevitably break down over the course of time. Especially when he spends as little time recuperating and sleeping as he seems to, which would only wear the body down even further. And that's after the fifteen to eighteen years of training it'd take to get into the right shape to be Batman.

The shifting timeline of DC Comics, which has allowed most of its characters to remain at the same age despite having been around since the thirties, is probably not far off that: taking the youthful exploits of Zero Year at face value, Batman's been around for maybe five years in current comics continuity, which means he hasn't got much longer left in him. Sooner or later his knees will go, or he'll slip a disc. Hope he's got insurance to cover that.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/