10 Problems With Batman Nobody Wants To Admit

3. That Secret Identity

Batman Batsuit 1989
Warner Bros.

Secret identities in general don't make a whole lot of sense. That's probably why Marvel has decided to forego them in their Cinematic Universe -€“ the concept is essentially untenable, especially in a universe that's supposed to be more technologically advanced than our own. In our reality, people on Reddit can piece together somebody's identity just by combing through computer records and blurry cameraphone photos.

You think in a reality that has teleporters, robots and a superhero based on the moon, people wouldn't have the capacity to figure out that Bruce Wayne is Batman? It's not like he even makes it hard for people. All of the gadgets Batman uses clearly originate from Waynetech, and there are definitely receipts for the billions he's sunk into the costume, the doo-dads, the Batcave, all the vehicles. There's a paper trail. Just like with Al Capone.

Then there's the fact that, whenever he's bashed up, his injuries will be consistent with whatever beatdown the Caped Crusader had the night before. Hey, how about the fact that the number of wards he has matches up to the number of Robins there have been, and each of them looks the same as the sidekicks Batman has had? Batman Inc managed a neat side-step with Bruce Wayne €œfunding€ the Dark Knight, but that seems like it'd last as long as Iron Man being Tony Stark's €œbodyguard€.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/