10 Problems Only DC Comics Fans Will Understand

9. Changing Creative Teams

It's inevitable that creative teams change on certain titles, but it seems to happen an awful lot over at DC. Whereas Marvel has an annoying habit of launching a series with a big name artist and swapping them with someone cheaper when the first arc is over, DC appears to have more of a revolving door policy. While some higher ups have poo-pooed that as being normal, one freelancer described their treatment by DC as "absolutely abhorrent". Since "The New 52" began, there have been many high profile changes made to creative teams on books, with some causing more controversy than others. For whatever reason though, it's not at all uncommon for writers or artists to be changed at the last minute, and DC certainly appear to have more fill in issues than Marvel. It all just reeks of disorganisation behind the scenes and leads to a great deal of inconsistency for their fans.

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