10 Problems Only DC Comics Fans Will Understand

8. Lack Of Events

Flashpoint was an epic event which brought the DC Universe as fans knew it to an end, but since then, they've really scaled back on these big game changers and focused more on those which take place within certain titles (Trinity War, The Death of the Family, etc.). That's fair enough, but surely DC realises that having more of something like Forever Evil would be no bad thing? As long as they don't go over the top like Marvel that is! While it feels strange to complain about a lack of the sort of events which ask readers to suddenly start forking out for multiple books, these would benefit DC more in the long run. They seem unable to find the right balance, and Convergence for example looks set to be too big of an event as it takes over almost every single title, something which is sure to be off putting for many readers. This is something which needs to be addressed.

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