10 Problems Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

2. Ruining Great Runs

Marvel's constant string of event books mean that the status quo of the Marvel Universe changes roughly every six months or so. Inevitably, that leads to certain runs ending long before they should. When they wanted to make The Punisher a member of the Thunderbolts, Greg Rucka's amazing series was forced to conclude prematurely despite it being hailed as one of the greatest ever takes on the hard to sell character. The same thing happened when Mark Waid was writing Fantastic Four, while JMS is unlikely to ever work with Marvel again after they forced him into the controversial and critically panned "One More Day" storyline which ended Peter Parker's marriage to Mary Jane Watson thanks to a deal with the devil. The publisher's willingness to sacrifice their best creative talent just to launch a new status quo which fans usually end up hating is just bizarre.
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