10 Problems Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

10. Constant Cancellations

It's rare for a single month to go by without one or multiple Marvel titles being cancelled. When they publish so many comic books, an excuse could be made that some not making the cut is inevitable. However, you don't see the same happening at DC Comics (at least not anywhere near as frequently), and the biggest problem with Marvel is that they put out so many series featuring high profile characters like Spider-Man and The Avengers. When there are something like six Avengers books on the stands, how can they expect fans and casual readers to also fork out for a series starring Captain Marvel or Storm? By trying to make as much money as possible from well-known franchises, Marvel are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Great characters are ignored because a dozen Deadpool titles are on sale, and new/young creative teams are seen as unsuccessful because their books fail.
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